Winning in the alchemized 2020 workspace
The world has changed in 2020 since the Coronavirus spread across the planet. We’ve witnessed...
How coaching benefits underperforming employees
Coaching helps firms to improve their competitive position. Beginning from a business health check and...
And… I Danced With My Client
The coaching journey, over the last few months, has been a beautiful experience!First it was...
Happy Thanksgiving
Master’s Words: Sharing this beautiful thought, which kind of hit me with blissful awareness…———“Often we...
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Had His Top Execs Read These Three Books | LinkedIn
Reading a book was an integral part of our growing up and later on, self-development…....
Sachin has always kept it simple – To be a Coachee like Sachin
After several posts on Coaching, from the perspective of the practice (art, science and lot...
Prevention is Better than Cure Physical or Mental Health
The heading may sound cliched… But then, lot of things in life are….!Came across this...
Rock Star CEO
Steve Ballmer and the Problem With Rock Star CEOs | To build a Great company,...
Zen and the Art of Staff Morale Maintenance & Coaching Perspective
An article in Economic Times, ‘Auto cos go the extra mile to keep employee spirits...
Life in A Volvo, Metro, ‘Local’
Got this from a Coach-Mentor/Trainer, with the titleBodhisattva in metro(This is one of the beautiful...
A tiger, A Hunter, A Bear And A Fear
“Once in a forest, a hunter, on being chased by a tiger, felt tired and...
Dominate Your Industry: How to Become the Best in Your Field |
Very inspiring post. Must read….# When you have some experience, select a mentor.My suggestion would...
7 Sleep Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs |
Good Morning ! Hope you had a great sleep last night & fresh for a...
CEOs Just Want To Get Coached – Forbes
Study by Stanford & The Miles Group… It makes a huge difference to hire an...
Dilemma of Pricing: Purple Cows and commodities
Reading the blog-post by Seth Godin, this line caught my attention:“If you tell me that...
Uttarakhand Tragedy My Karma
Ever since Uttarakhand tragedy happened, I have been thinking more of Karmic implications.Though not ‘directly’...
Customer Service The Flipkart Way
Flipkart – Sachin Bansal, CEO/Co – Founder, suggests five ways to ensure Customer Delight in...
My Mid Year Evaluation : Light-weight, Bright-Green Running Shoes
Celebrated my birthday, recently. For a long time, I never believed in personal celebrations.We all...
The 4 Smartest Things You Can Do Every Morning | | The New OPEN Forum
Interesting thoughts – practical and very useful.But I would rather re-shuffle the same in the...

What’s ‘Nu’ in Coaching for you!
Envisioning the future of Coaching from a ‘Nu’ lens Happy Nu Year to you! This edition of Coach Guru is doubly special because it earmarks the beginning

The New Dimension of Leadership
IQ and EQ can take you to the top. But can they keep you there? “My knowledge, experience, and sharp people skills have always helped

Mother as a Coach
The last episode of “All About Coaching” on Mentza is dedicated to International Mother’s Day. This is a topic that is close to our hearts. I was

Research shows that 95% of our behavior is unconscious.
This means you might not even be aware of what you do! And yet it can have a significant impact on your people at work.

Here are some damaging behaviours leaders commonly exhibit.
Have you seen them at play? These behaviours hamper work-relationships and reduce employee motivation & productivity Coaching can help leaders to root out such behaviours

Do leaders need Godfathers (or Godmothers) at work?
It’s nice to have a senior who supports, guides, and has your back at work, isn’t it? And a wonderful bonus if they also give

What’s the one leadership skill that can maximize your potential as a leader & give you a competitive edge?
Discover what can become your USP and set you light-years ahead of others. Tune in to my podcast of All About Coaching, Volume 16 on

For leaders, when does coaching move from being one of the options to being THE (best) option?
Different situations require different approaches. There’s no one-remedy-for-all. So while executive coaching may be one of the multiple approaches you can choose, there are times

Organizations inevitably come across bumps and roadblocks as they journey towards their goals.
These problems take up time & energy and retard growth. Executive coaching can enable the top leadership to foresee & navigate business problems successfully and