Full Potential 1 to 1 Intensive

 The journey to Full Potential is the journey of every leader. Most often it starts and ends in the unconscious. Leaders do not take conscious choices to move to their full potential. Even when we make the unconscious choice to the ‘Call to the Adventure’, as Joseph Campbell puts it in the context of the hero’s journey. The cause for the shift is either external or internal or a combination of both. In any case it is a decision by the leader. 

A highway robber went on with his ‘business’ for several years, till he met a Rishi. The Rishi asked him a powerful question ( leadership/coaching approach). The question was would his  family take the fair share of their karma. The robber was sure, they will. The Rishi asked him to go and check with the family. The family surprised him with a clear ‘no-no’! That was the call for adventure for Ratnakara, who went on to become a Rishi himself, and the “Adi Kavi” who penned the masterpiece on the Master of the times, Sri Ram. 

As it is said, in earlier yuga’s the hero and villain were separate, black and white. But now both these are within us. 

When you started with the online modules of Full Potential Leadership, you were being prepared for the transition. To identify and set goals. Travel the journey. Having gone through the same, you are now ready for the next leg of the journey – 1-1 intensive. As the name suggests, the journey shifts from a video-based learning program taking you to the face-to-face season with your master coach, one to one. It also gets intensive, to the extent you are comfortable.  

In this state, you will connect with your master coach, for a period of 3 months, for 6 sessions, of one hour, once in alternate weeks. 

This program will include

 Setting goals for the overall engagement, based on certain parameters like PURE, CLEAR, SMART and BHAG

 Deep exploration of the beliefs, values, and other elements in deep.

 Come up with actions that will result in a transformational shift, beyond goals.