Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Had His Top Execs Read These Three Books | LinkedIn

Reading a book was an integral part of our growing up and later on, self-development…. Till TV, internet, social media and other distractions came in! (No excuse, just a ‘choice’ we made!)
Books still form an important part of gift-ideas, globally. Of course, that does not automatically translate to increased reading habit ! More often popular books just add to the ‘cosmetic’ effect of the book-shelt, at office/home ????
People like Amazon (e-reader/kindle), libraries (‘Just books’) and others playe an important role to keep this healthy habit alive & kicking. Against stiff competition..!
Interesting article.
Amazon’s Bezos had his executives read these books, perhaps not just ‘recommending’ as most bosses do & the team would promptly pick up the book immediately (not always read, promptly!)
He hosted three all-day book clubs with Amazon’s top executives, capped by nice dinners at the end.
Bezos said he used the books as frameworks for sketching out the future of the company. (This is the biggest take-away)
Which books?
- The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker
- The Innovator’s Solution by Clayton Christensen
- The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt
So, time to re-phrase ‘which book are you reading/read recently?’ to ‘what are the take-aways from the book, being implemented?’ The whole execution is EXECUTION !
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Had His Top Execs Read These Three Books | LinkedIn