What’s ‘Nu’ in Coaching for you!

coach guru

Envisioning the future of Coaching from a ‘Nu’ lens

Happy Nu Year to you!

This edition of Coach Guru is doubly special because it earmarks the beginning of the Nu year and a Nu era in the Regal annals. And so, we couldn’t think of a better theme than looking forward and envisioning what’s Nu in coaching for you!

We know what you are wondering. No. It isn’t a misspelling nor a mere use of modern messaging lingo. Nu is a greek alphabet used as a symbol in physics, chemistry, biology, statistics, computer science, and even music! This fluidity, universality, and versatility aptly represent the dynamic future of coaching. We will be taking a peek at what’s in store for us all going forward.

In statistics, Nu refers to the degree of freedom. We felt this fittingly signifies the freedom from limiting beliefs, blinkered perspectives, and unpleasant circumstances that coaching offers.

So as you browse, we’d like you to ponder on the question, ‘What’s Nu in Coaching for You?’


Leadership & Executive Coaching is becoming a mainstream topic of discussion in the corporate world. Our Article on how “Leadership Coaching Can Take You to Holistic Success & Keep You There” was featured in Startup Story Media.

holistic success