Zen and the Art of Staff Morale Maintenance & Coaching Perspective

An article in Economic Times, ‘Auto cos go the extra mile to keep employee spirits up – zen & the art of staff morale maintenance‘ reported how auto companies are trying keep the morale of workers.
This is surely challenging when temp staff have already been shown the door.
Auto Manufacturing involves of 200,000 workers and auto components, another 500,000. That is a huge number. They would also contribute to the pulse of the market, thus influence the market-sentiments!
- M&M got social worker, 64 year old Smt Sindhutai Sapkal. She shared her views on how to handle ups & downs. Coming from someone like her, who has dedicated her life for the underprivileged, the workers would have felt truly inspired. They infact donated Rs 300K to her trusts.
- Other manufacturers are doing the same, inviting such truly eminent speakers who have made a difference.
This is an interesting trend in corporate world. Hope it does not happen like a corporate-fad. If CSR is a ‘responsibility’ for corporate, it needs to be shared by every employee of the company, which is #iCSR. It should be an on-going practice….
Also, motivational speakers may not help the senior managers.
Crisil’s Kudva conducts training and ‘picked a team from across the organisation for a study on skill gaps in Indian banking industry.’ ( I am interested in the report!). Other CEOs are reaching out to the so-called rank & file. In this era of social media, the youth are a lot more clear and vibrant. It makes sense to tap into that energy!!
Still, at the cost of repetition, motivational speakers may not help the senior managers. They may need a modified version of the effort. One big thing that may help and will have a long-term effect on the person & his organisation, it is Life/Executive Coaching. Appropriate coaching intervention will immensely affect the senior managers to go ahead without inhibition or fear of failure.
Coaching Perspective :
- Leaders fail because organizations can’t find a way to tell them something is wrong.
- Few senior leaders fail solely on their lack of technical skills. Most stall in their careers because they don’t fully adapt their communication style to gain commitment from employees.
- Many executives who fail are too rigid in how they communicate and too frequently distracted by issues that are not true priorities.
- Executives must understand their stakeholders and communicate in a way that touches both the minds and hearts of each individual.
- Few people can demonstrate the intellectual horsepower to solve complex business problems while simultaneously showing sensitivity and awareness to people’s beliefs and values.
- Senior leaders today have to do both well, with a deep knowledge of international markets and trends. “