Mother as a Coach
The last episode of “All About Coaching” on Mentza is dedicated to International Mother’s Day. This is...
Research shows that 95% of our behavior is unconscious.
This means you might not even be aware of what you do! And yet it...
Here are some damaging behaviours leaders commonly exhibit.
Have you seen them at play? These behaviours hamper work-relationships and reduce employee motivation &...
Do leaders need Godfathers (or Godmothers) at work?
It’s nice to have a senior who supports, guides, and has your back at work,...
What’s the one leadership skill that can maximize your potential as a leader & give you a competitive edge?
Discover what can become your USP and set you light-years ahead of others. Tune in...
For leaders, when does coaching move from being one of the options to being THE (best) option?
Different situations require different approaches. There’s no one-remedy-for-all. So while executive coaching may be one...
Organizations inevitably come across bumps and roadblocks as they journey towards their goals.
These problems take up time & energy and retard growth. Executive coaching can enable the...
Demonstrate your confidence in your leaders
Reinforce your top leadership and ready your bench strength. We have enabled 1000+ leaders to...
Here’s What Every Woman Must Know..
We asked Ravina Sandhu, a retired Airforce pilot, “What did you learn from your career...
When Leadership Coaching Becomes Your BEST Option
When Leadership Coaching Becomes Your BEST Option Leadership is a roller coaster journey with its...
Executive Coaching – Disrupting Leadership Development to Create Future-Ready Leaders
Executive Coaching – Disrupting Leadership Development to Create Future-Ready Leaders The demand for executive coaching...
Mono Act, Stand Up Comedy – Stage Fear
If you are not overprepared, you are under-prepared – Robin Sharma ‘Who will cry when...
Full Potential Blueprint you playing up to your full potential? Are you at least progressing...
IPL Delhi Vs Mumbai Post Match – Leadership Lessons
‘You don’t stop dancing (playing) when you grow old. You grow old when you stop...
Full Potential 1 to 1 Intensive The journey to Full Potential is the journey of...
Step Up Your Leadership Career with Coaching
You have attained a position in leadership. It required you to master a discipline by...
Transformational Leadership for a new world
Your journey to become a transformational leader starts here. With this learning program. Specially curated...
Be effective in every leadership situation – learn how with your Coach
Becoming a leader and managing a team involves managing relationships – between you, your team,...
Step Up Your Leadership Career with Coaching
You have attained a position in leadership. It required you to master a discipline by...
‘Ask any Indian cricketer who is the next star, they will take his name’: Sunil Gavaskar predicts
‘Ask any Indian cricketer who is the next star, they will take his name’: Sunil...

Health, Happiness & Harmony – Yoga for Senior Executives
What would you choose between the following: a handsome pay packet or mental well-being? A study by UKG shows that 88% of Indian professionals would

Excelling at Career & Life with Executive Coaching
When was the last time you – Sat down for a family meal? Had an uninterrupted conversation with your child? Caught up with buddies? Went

The Executive Coaching Process – Manifesting Magic
The executive coach is not a magician… But magic manifests in executive coaching – the individual coaching conversation and overall engagement. Transformational coaching operates in

Discover Your True North with Leadership Coaching
In ancient times when navigation tools were unsophisticated, mariners used the north direction to fix their position and accordingly direct themselves in the right direction.

Why and When Do Executives Choose Executive Coaching
Seasoned executives and leaders access executive coaching when they face challenges or desire growth in one or more of these four areas – career, relationship,

Why Leaders Need Leadership Coaching – Now
Last year 99% of senior leaders of a reputed organization quit within a year of joining. When one of these leaders was interviewed, they said

Top Challenges CXOs Face & How to Counter Them with Executive Coaching
I interacted with some top CEOs from India and abroad on my trip to Mumbai to conduct Regal Unlimited’s Leader As Coach (LAC) program. Some

The Secret of Authentic Leadership
The secret to an imposing leadership presence, enduring leadership legacy, and long-lasting personal fulfillment… Find a purpose that’s larger than You. One that gives you

Coaching for Professional Success
What role does regular coaching play in professional success? Regular, success through professional coaching.– Professional Coaching is for leaders. It is about1. Audacious goals (good2great